Dear Parents,
I am looking forward to our new school year. I joined St Christopher’s School 16 years ago and have spent most of that time with the preschool children.
I enjoy working with nursery children, watching their development both socially and academically is very rewarding.
Arrival and drop off
Please drop your child at the lower school gate at 9am. Pick up will be noon, 1pm or 3pm depending on your child’s session. Please ensure you stick to these times to allow others to come and go in their allocated slots and allow things to run smoothly.
Food and drink
Please ensure your that your child has a piece of fruit (or vegetable) in school for snack time. No fruit winders or yogurt covered raisins please. Please could your child also bring a drinks bottle with them and a packed lunch if they are not having a hot school lunch.
Specialist teachers
The nursery children will be taught P.E by Mr Bellham and French and music by Miss Jones.
Your child is not required to bring their own stationary etc unless they would like to. However a change of clothing to be left on their peg would be advisable. On a Monday they can bring trainers to change into for P.E if they would like.
While we do not encourage the children to bring in lots of toys from home, they are very welcome to bring n a ‘comfort’ toy/teddy if they wish to.
After school club
There is an after school club that runs until 4.20 and 5pm Monday to Thursday.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you.
Mrs Davies