Prep 4 Curriculum Brief



Spellings will be based on the Year 4 spelling rules and the children’s individual targets. Tests will be held on a Thursday and new spellings (10 in total) will be given each week.  In handwriting we will develop our cursive script, paying attention to consistent letter sizes and accurate joins. We will continue to develop an interest in reading and different genres/authors this term. We will test comprehension by asking questions based on their individual books and shared texts in class.  Children will also be asked to summarise what they have read in a paragraph/page and develop an ability to skim read texts so that children can find key words or phrases quickly. Grammar: throughout the term we will focus on remembering how powerful verbs, adjectives and expanded noun phrases can add detail to our writing and we will focus on using conjunctions to extend our clauses and sentences.  The correct use of apostrophes, direct speech and paragraphs will also be a focus, as will singular and plural, fronted adverbials, pronouns and compound words.  Creative writing topics will include writing our own story set in a familiar but abandoned setting. The Paperbag Prince by Colin Thompson will be our inspiration. We will also study the poetry of Matt Goodfellow and the poetic devices he uses in his poems. Finally, we will be looking at the book How Santa Really Works by Alan Snow.



During the Autumn Term, Prep 4 will have weekly times tables tests and regular mental maths sessions.  We will focus on the following topics: place value, addition and subtraction, area multiplication and division.
Place Value: represent and partition numbers to 10 000, find 1, 10, 100, 1000 or less, estimate on a number line to 10 000, compare and order numbers to 10 000, Roman numerals, rounding to the nearest 10 000
Addition and Subtraction: add and subtract two 4 digit numbers, estimating answers, checking strategies (e.g.using the inverse)
Area: counting squares and using length and width to calculate areas of rectangles and compound shapes, problem solving
Multiplication and Division: multiplication of 3 digit numbers, understanding times tables facts up to x12 and related division facts, understanding multiples, problem solving.



This term Prep 4 will be learning about Electricity. They will gain an understanding of the difference between mains and battery-powered devices, the dangers of electricity, and how different materials can be either conductors or insulators. During the practical work, the children will learn how to build circuits and include features such as switches, resistors and lights.

In the second half of the term Prep 4 will be learning about States of Matter. They will study the differences between solids, liquids and gases, changes caused by heating and cooling, evaporation, and the wonders of water and the water cycle.



We will begin by revising and consolidating our knowledge of the world’s continents, oceans and the most important lines of latitude (Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn etc). We will move on to study the Prime Meridian and the countries located on it, identify countries when provided with their latitude and longitude, explore time zones and consider the different daylight hours in the UK and the polar regions.



Our topic this term is The Normans. After placing the Normans on our class timeline, we will look at the contenders for the throne in 1066, learn about the Battle of Stamford Bridge and the Battle of Hastings, understand William’s problems after the battle and discover lots about how the Normans built their castles.  We will also look at the Bayeaux tapestry, the Domesday book and learn about life in Norman Times under the feudal system.



We will continue our French learning this year using the Skoldo Book One by Lucy Montgomery.  We will begin by looking at the geography of France and which region is famous for which sporting activities. E.g.  À Chamonix, je fais du ski. We will revise some previously learnt vocabulary, the French alphabet, describe animals using colours (using both the masculine and feminine form) and perform some basic shopping role plays. We will, as always, enhance our French learning through singing.



We will continue to learn Latin using Minimus, a Latin course for children based on the lives of a real Roman family living at Vindolanda. We will increase our knowledge of verb endings, revise noun and adjective agreement and begin to look at Latin adverbs. This will be learnt in the context of school life for wealthy children. We will also be studying the myth of Echo and Narcissus.



This term’s art theme for prep 3 and 4 will be ‘Sea Creatures.’ We will be experimenting with a range of mark-making techniques and developing our observational drawing and painting skills.  We will then use these exploratory studies to create some 3D fish, squid and other interesting sea animals! Our aim is to work with recycled materials, papier mâché and some imaginative patterns and colour to create a mesmerising array of hanging sea life!



This term Prep 4 will be learning about the piece The ‘Carnival of the Animals’ by Camille Saint-Saens. They will listen discerningly to the music and compose a piece in groups about an animal of their choice.

In the second half of the term Prep 4 will be learning songs for the nativity and continuing their learning of music theory.



Due to the exploratory and ‘spontaneous’ approach in this subject, we will often go off in different directions depending on the ideas and interest of the children. And so the formal lesson plans are often deviated from to preserve a flexibility and originality of approach.  New projects often ‘evolve’ from the children’s ideas in the sessions and it is an important part of the approach and style in this subject  to maintain this flexibility and spontaneity.  This generates a feeling with the children that they are going on a ‘journey’ in this subject each term. The formal lesson plans are only intended to be used as a basis and guide to the type of work and projects that are covered and are not intended to be rigidly adhered to.

Week 1, 2 and 3

‘Top Scores’ project

This project involves the design and construction of a board game involving aiming and rolling a ball bearing into different scoring bays. The children will need to think of a theme for their games and also devise a scoring system for two players. They will also be looking at ‘aiming devices’ for swivelling and directing the ball bearing in the chosen direction. They also need to think about decoration and stability and have an opportunity to test their designs.

Weeks 3, 4 and 5 – 6 lessons

The children will be looking at the topic of ‘theatre designs.’  This project combines artistic creativity with three dimensional design work involving plywood, jelutong and balsa. The children may use some other materials to incorporate into their designs. The children will have a card front to their theatre (40cmx20cm). They will then decide on the theme, scenery, props. They will then be given the opportunity to present mini performances using their theatre designs.

Weeks 6, 7 and 8 – 6 lessons

Oil Bottle project

This project involves the design and construction of a ‘scene in a bottle’. Using vegetable oil and careful choice of shiny materials. Choice of waterproof materials will be important, including considering colour, optical effects and a possible ‘theme’ for the design.

Weeks 9, 10 and 11

Linking with the topic of Light in science, the pupils will be designing and making simple Kaleidoscopes. This will consist of three sections of mirror acrylic fixed together to form a pyramid type structure, which can then be looked through to achieve different optical effects, depending on what is viewed. They will be looking at the design and decoration of the Kaleidoscopes and they will also be required to do some ‘optical’ pictures and patterns to be viewed.

The latter part of term will involve individual projects of the children’s own choice, provided that they can show necessary thought and planning has gone into their ideas.



This term pupils will be using multimedia to create a poster. They will also be using powerpoint to produce a presentation on a project. They will understand how to use the internet effectively and safely. They will be further developing their programming skills.



This term the pupils will develop their team building skills, trust and co-operation with their peers. They will have the opportunity to further their creativity in working with one another to respond to a variety of situations. This will incorporate elements of mime and improvisation. They will be developing their writing and performance of poems on a theme in preparation for their poetry assembly.



We will be looking at three different areas this term: Families and Friendships, Safe Relationships and Respecting Ourselves and Others. What are positive friendships and how can we seek support and communicate respectfully? How can we respond to hurtful behaviour and manage secrets? What does respect look and sound like?  We will also be recognising the differences between people (e.g. gender, race, faith) and discussing those values, likes, dislikes and aspirations that we all have in common.



Games: Development of stamina through cross country. Progression of skills in isolation then moving from small sided matches to full teams in netball, hockey and tag rugby.