Prep 1 Curriculum Brief



This term, the children will continue to work in their Read Write Inc. (RWI) groups. We will focus on digraphs, suffixes, spelling choices, and patterns, helping the children develop a stronger understanding of word structure. We will also practise breaking longer words into syllables to make spelling easier and more manageable.

In grammar, we will continue to focus on building simple sentences using capital letters, full stops, and finger spaces correctly. The children will also practise using question marks and exclamation marks where appropriate. To develop their sentence-writing skills further, we will explore a range of conjunctions, such as “but,” “because,” and “so,” helping them to extend their ideas and add more detail. 

In handwriting, we will concentrate on forming lower-case and capital letters of the correct size relative to one another. The children will also practise correct letter formation to ensure their writing is neatly presented. 

Reading and Spellings
Reading practice and weekly spellings will continue throughout the term. 

In addition, we will explore a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts and focus on poetry, including studying poems that don’t rhyme, to expand the children’s appreciation of different writing styles.



This term in maths, Year 1 will focus on key topics including shape, place value within 50, addition and subtraction, and measurement. In shape, children will learn to identify and describe common 2D and 3D shapes. Place value lessons will develop their understanding of numbers up to 50, including counting, comparing, and ordering. They will continue to build their skills in addition and subtraction, using practical methods and number facts. In measurement, children will explore length and height as well as mass and volume, using hands-on activities to compare, measure, and describe these properties.



In the first half of the term, Prep 1 will be learning about materials. We will explore the properties of different materials, such as whether they are waterproof, flexible, or strong. The children will investigate how these properties make materials suitable for different uses by asking questions like, “What material could we use for a raincoat and why?” and “Why are windows made of glass?” Through hands-on activities such as testing materials for waterproofing or flexibility, and group discussions, they will develop an understanding of how materials are chosen for specific purposes in everyday life.

During the second half of the term, we will be focusing on seasonal changes. We will observe changes across the four seasons and describe weather patterns associated with each season. The children will explore how day length varies throughout the year and think about how these changes affect daily life. Activities may include keeping a weather diary, discussing how animals and plants adapt to seasons, and observing the changing environment around us.



This term we will be exploring the Polar Regions, developing our geographical skills by locating both the Arctic and Antarctica. We shall investigate climates, animals, and people in both poles along with learning about famous explorers and how we can help protect such incredible habitats.



During the first half of the term, Prep 1 will explore the Great Fire of London, a significant historical event. The children will learn how the fire began in 1666, why it spread so quickly, and how it led to rebuilding London with safer materials. In the second half of the term, they will study the lives of important historical figures, including Florence Nightingale, Mother Teresa, Neil Armstrong, and the Wright Brothers, discovering their contributions to history and understanding their lasting impact on the world.



This term in French, we will explore new topics including vocabulary related to days of the week, places to live, and weather. We will continue revising key phrases for greetings, such as introducing ourselves with our name, age, and where we live. Additionally, we will review numbers, colours, and previously learned topics, using the Skoldo Elementary Book to support our learning. To make learning fun and engaging, we will incorporate plenty of new songs to help consolidate our vocabulary and pronunciation.



The children will begin to learn about the life of Jesus and how he grew up in the ordinary life of the time. We shall think about Christians and think of Jesus as someone who tells interesting stories and we will begin to understand He is trying to teach people through them. We will end the term with the Easter story.



This term in PSHE, we will explore two key topics: “What helps us stay healthy?” and “What can we do with money?”. Children will learn about healthy choices, such as eating well, staying active, and keeping clean, and understand the difference between needs and wants when using money. They will also explore the variety of jobs people do, how different strengths and interests are needed for these roles, and how their unique skills can contribute in the future. These lessons aim to develop practical life skills, self-awareness, and an appreciation for others’ contributions.



This term we will continue to experiment and explore by painting, colouring, gluing and sticking and cutting activities around the topics of transport, Chinese New Year and Spring. Towards the end of term we will create 2D and 3D Easter art.



During the first half of the term, we will explore The Sorcerer’s Apprentice by Paul Dukas, using the narrative to learn about musical storytelling and the expressive use of dynamics and tempo. Through listening, movement, and instrumental activities, children will interpret characters and events, enhancing their understanding of how music conveys meaning. In the second half of the term, we will focus on pitch and signals, developing the ability to recognise and produce high and low sounds using both our voices and classroom instruments.



This term we will focus on developing children’s creativity and problem-solving skills through hands-on, engaging projects. Pupils will explore the design process by planning, creating, and evaluating their own products, using a variety of materials and tools safely. They will investigate how everyday items are made and learn key skills such as measuring, cutting, joining, and decorating. Through these activities, pupils will gain confidence in using tools and materials safely.



This term the pupils will continue to use various programs to help to develop keyboard skills. They will be introduced to basic programming using floor robots to understand about algorithms and de-bugging.



This term we will continue to develop physical control, listening skills and concentration. We will use games and exercises to encourage the development of essential drama skills such as improvisation, role-play and characterisation. We will continue to develop performance skills, working towards poetry assembly.



PE: Development of catching and throwing skills. Development of movement into space within small sided games.

Games: Development of ball skills through football with various drills and games. Game situations will be kept small so as to encourage as much participation as possible.