Prep 3 Curriculum Brief



Handwriting – This term we will continue to practise using cursive script and try to maintain a consistent script.
Spellings – Improve our spellings to spell further homophones and spell words that are tricky to spell. Learn to add suffixes and prefixes to words to develop a broader vocabulary.
Grammar – Use of apostrophes; use of expanded noun phrases to add detail; use of varied conjunctions to link clauses; write single and multi-clause sentences, use adverbs and prepositions to express time, place and cause; continue to use and punctuate direct speech and continue to use paragraphs as a way to group related material.
Comprehension – We will continue to practise answering questions in full sentences and ordering given sentences from a text. We will also continue to develop an interest in reading, asking questions based on our reading to improve our understanding. We will practise to summarise our understanding of what we have read in a paragraph.
Creative Writing – In our creative writing this term we will write our own myth and legend based on Beowulf (Monster Slayer by Brian Patten). We will also write our own persuasive letter about an issue of importance. We will finish the term by writing our own non-fiction text about a chosen natural environment using ‘Rainforest Rough Guide’ by Paul Mason as our text model.



During the summer term, Prep 3 will have weekly times tables tests and a mental maths
session. They shall be challenged to be problem solvers throughout the topics as we
consolidate skills and introduce new methods of calculation. The main areas of topic work
will include the following:
Mass and Capacity: Using scales to measure mass in grams and kilograms; measuring capacity and volume in litres and millilitres; comparing mass and volume; adding and subtracting mass and volume.
Fractions: Adding and subtracting fractions; finding fractions of amounts.
Money: Converting pounds and pence; adding and subtracting money; finding change.
Time: Roman numerals to 12; telling time to the nearest minute on digital and analogue clocks; using am and pm; calculating durations; solving problems with time.
Shape: Turns and angles; right angles; comparing angles; measuring and drawing shapes accurately; horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines; recognising, describing, drawing and making 2D and 3D shapes.
Statistics: interpreting and drawing pictograms; interpreting and drawing bar charts; collecting and representing data; two-way tables.



This term Prep 3 will be continuing their learning about rocks and fossils. In this unit, children will discover the different types of rocks and how they are formed. Children will compare and group rocks based on appearance and simple properties. They will learn how fossils are formed and learn about the contribution of Mary Anning to the field of palaeontology. Children will understand how soil is formed and then investigate the permeability of different types of soil.

They will then be learning about plants. They will learn the names of different parts of plants, and the jobs they do. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate what plants need to grow well, and will present their findings to their classmates. Furthermore, they will have the chance to predict what will happen in an exciting investigation into the transportation of water within plants. They will work in a hands-on way to identify the parts of a flower, and will explore the different stages of the life cycle of a flowering plant.



Once we have completed our work on volcanoes, we will move to earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes! Again, we will learn how and why these natural phenomena occur and the ways in which they affect local people and the environment. We will look at how to keep safe, how their strength is measured and look at where in the world they occur.



This term Prep 3 will be learning about the Vikings in Anglo-Saxon Britain. The children will learn who the Vikings were as well as when and where they raided and settled. They will learn about significant events from the period and order these chronologically on a timeline. The children will find out about the Anglo-Saxon kings who ruled during the ‘Viking Age’ and examine their influence and significance in British history. In addition to this, they will learn about the Anglo-Saxon justice system and compare and contrast crimes, punishments and laws with their modern day equivalents. The children will also have the opportunity to learn about different aspects of everyday Viking life. They will explore the types of houses that the Vikings lived in, what clothes they wore and even what types of food they ate.



This term, we will focus on learning about clothes, food, and animals in French. We will continue to build confidence in speaking and following French instructions, with plenty of opportunities for role-play, such as going to a shop and asking for food and drink. We will also begin exploring French grammar, including understanding that French nouns can be masculine (le) or feminine (la). We will use the Skoldo scheme to support our learning and incorporate new songs for consolidation.



For part of this year, we will be discovering more about the early Christian church after the arrival of the Holy Spirit.  We look at how our lives can be changed and how we can speak to God through prayer.  We shall spend the last four weeks looking at God’s commandments from the Old Testament.



Prep 3 are going to be investigating the 7 elements of art and will be journeying into the world of abstract art this term. We will be looking at natural patterns, symmetry, and bold colours, taking inspiration from African textile designs, mandalas, and artists such as Alma Thomas and Shirley Vauvelle. This will culminate in some beautiful ‘mosiac style’ paintings and some masterful clay work!



World Music – this term, P3 will be listening to music from different cultures, and will focus particularly on music from India. They will look at the influence that musicians like Ravi Shankar have had on music rooted in the Western tradition.



Due to the exploratory and ‘spontaneous’ approach in this subject, we will often go off in different directions depending on the ideas and interest of the children. And so the formal lesson plans are often deviated from to preserve a flexibility and originality of approach. New projects often ‘evolve’ from the children’s ideas in the sessions and it is an important part of the approach and style in this subject to maintain this flexibility and spontaneity. This generates a feeling with the children that they are going on a ‘journey’ in this subject each term. The formal lesson plans are only intended to be used as a basis and guide to the type of work and projects that are covered and are not intended to be rigidly adhered to.

Prep 3

Weeks 1, 2 and 3

Three dimensional model using wire and foamex. This project involves a the design and constructiuon of a flexible model using coloured foam self adhesive and non self adhesive. The pupils will be expected to think carefully about colour coordination, shape and overall appearance of their model.

Weeks 4 and 5

Velcro project. This involves the design and construction of a puzzle or picture where the pieces can attach and detach using Velcro. The pupils will either be able to work with card, plywood of plastic.

Weeks 6, 7 and 8

Linking with the topic of forces and motion in science, the pupils will be looking at balancing puzzles. 3 dimensional shapes which are designed and made so they balance on wire or dowelling. The pupils will need to look at the shape, where and how the weights are attached, the colour/decoration of the model and materials used. They will also need to look at the design and construction of a supporting structure.

Week 9

Model boat designs starting from hull templates. Materials used will be high density foam for floatation, blockwood, dowelling and also plywood for the structure.



This term pupils will learn how to design posters, paying particular attention to layout and impact. They will also use programs from various internet websites. They will be able to create a subject project using scratch as the medium. They will be producing a project on the Anglo-Saxons in conjunction with their History lessons.



The children will build on their work with creative expression by now taking on a variety of roles, responding and relating to a number of situations. The children shall interact within role play and develop their improvisation and performance skills using a variety of themes, such as ‘The Gruffalo,’ ‘Matilda’ and ‘The Evacuees’. The children shall also prepare for and perform in our poetry assembly.



This term we will begin by looking at money and work by examining different jobs and skills; job stereotypes; as well as setting personal goals. Moving onto ‘Physical health and Mental wellbeing’ we will examine healthy choices and habits; what affects feelings; and expressing feelings. In our ‘Growing and changing’ topic we will discuss our personal strengths and achievements; and managing and reframing setbacks. Our final topic is ‘Keeping safe’, where we will look at risks and hazards; safety in the local environment and unfamiliar places.



PE/ Games – Games: Developing athletic skills through a collection of track events – which will include sprints, hurdles and relays. Simple cricket activities, including limited game situations. Catching, throwing, bowling and hitting.
P.E:. Cricket skills and Racket skills linked to tennis and table tennis.
Swimming: Water time will be spent on the development of correct technique and other related activities. All work based on the ASA ‘National Plan for Teaching Swimming’.