Dear Parents,
Welcome to Prep 6.
As are unable to hold a ‘get to know your child’s tutor’ meeting at the beginning of term I thought
I would like to pass on the following information.
Termly Briefs:
- Details for all subjects can be found in the Parent Area of the website.
- Details can be found in the Parent Area of the website. There is also a copy in each child’s Reading Diary.
Reading Diary:
- Details are included in the Reading Diary. It is important that children read each day and that the Diary is signed.
Please use the diary to pass on any daily messages etc.
- Stationary:
Pupils need to be provided with the following:
- HB pencils
- Coloured pencils and a set of felt pens
- Rubber
- 30cm ruler
- Simple calculator
I will provide glue sticks and scissors
With the various ‘bubbles’ children should come to school in their games kit on a Wednesday and Friday.
They should have a bag that contains joggers, fleece and studs. I would also suggest that a towel is included.
I look forward to a busy and productive year, especially as it will be the children’s last at St Christopher’s
If you have any queries do not hesitate to get in contact with me – firstly through the Reading Diary.
Chris George
Prep 6 Tutor.