south devon school

Join us for our Open Morning on November 28

24th October 2024

We’re delighted to invite parents and carers to our Open Morning on Thursday, November 28, from 9am until 1pm. This is a fabulous opportunity to visit our school, meet our teachers, and chat with our Head, Mrs Alexandra Cottell. You’ll get to learn all about our nurturing environment and how we help children thrive. At…

Success at cross country for St Christopher’s!

5th February 2024

Our under 9s team showcased their determination and talent at the recent cross country race held at Blundells School in Tiverton. Competing against six other schools, they delivered outstanding performances with top ten finishes in their respective races. Congratulations to Edward, William, Freya, Clara, Georgia, and Indie for their remarkable achievements! Special recognition goes to…

Celebrating Success at the ISA South West Art Competition

23rd October 2023

We are thrilled to announce the exceptional achievements of our young artists at the ISA South West Art Competition. With two wins, a second place, and a highly commended, our budding artists have truly shone. But what makes these accomplishments even more special is the incredible impact of art on children’s development. Art is not…

Totnes Renewable Energy Society’s REEL programme empowers pupils to explore renewable energy technologies and take action

4th July 2023

Last month, St Christopher’s School enthusiastically participated in the Totnes Renewable Energy Society’s (TRESOC) REEL program – thank you so much to Mrs Murrall-Smith for giving up her time. This remarkable initiative fosters a deep understanding of renewable energy technologies, their local significance, and their impact on broader energy issues. St Christopher’s has been a…

Nursery provision, summer holiday programme and wrap around care

23rd June 2023

We are delighted to announce that from September we will be extending our nursery provision for children at St Christopher’s. This is really great news if you are a busy working parent juggling hectic schedules. We accept the full 30 hours funding. For 2023 – 2024 the provision will be 44 weeks per year. St…

Early Years Foundation Stage at St Christopher’s

11th January 2023

Our St Christopher’s Early Years Foundation Stage (known as EYFS) Nursery and Reception classes are in a fabulous position within the school with dedicated indoor and outdoor spaces, where children enjoy a happy, calm and safe environment which is also stimulating and fun.   Happy children learn well We believe that ‘happy children learn well,’…